Renaissance Society of America
Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
21–23 March 2024
Deadline for Submissions: August 5, 2023

Hesperides, a scholarly organization for the study of the legacies of the ancient Mediterranean in Luso-Hispanic contexts, invites proposals for individual papers, organized panels, and roundtables for its sponsored sessions at the Renaissance Society of America’s 2024 meeting in Chicago. We welcome interventions that contribute to Hesperides’ core mission: to showcase the breadth of contemporary scholarship that explores the diverse manifestations of classical traditions across and between Iberian contact zones (from the Mediterranean to the Americas, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and beyond).
As an affiliate organization of the RSA, we envision our sponsored sessions as a platform to present the most inclusive snapshot of current scholarship in these contexts, and we therefore seek paper/panel/roundtable proposals that transcend traditional disciplinary distinctions, periodizations, geographic boundaries, and linguistic divides. We thus welcome submissions from any scholars whose work engages with classical legacies as they intersect with any of these cultural, geographic, or linguistic contexts, during the early modern period (1300-1700).
Interventions that highlight classical legacies that have been overlooked in previous scholarship, such as those created by indigenous, Afrodescendent, and female voices, are especially welcome. We also encourage submissions that explore diverse forms of cultural production, learned and popular, across media and modality, representing non-elite in addition to elite perspectives.
Papers and other interventions may be delivered in any of the RSA’s community languages, including English, Spanish, or Portuguese. All submissions will be evaluated anonymously by two-referees. Presenters whose submissions are selected are asked to comply with Hesperides community guidelines for conferences.
Please send proposals to by August 5, 2023. Notification will be given by the second week of August.
For individual papers proposals, please send a title (15-word max), an abstract (2oo-word max) for a 20-minute paper following the RSA’s guidelines along with a CV.
For organized panel proposals, please send a description of the panel’s themes (300-word max) accompanied by individual presenters’ abstracts (each including a title [15-word max], an abstract [2oo-word max], along with a CV for each participant) and the name of the respondent if you would like to include one (a respondent is not required). Full RSA guidelines on organized panels may be found here.
For roundtable proposals, please send a 300-word max description of the themes under discussion, along with the names of participants (4–8 allowed). Full RSA guidelines on organized panels may be found here.