Our Mission
An Inclusive Vision
Eschewing the fixed boundaries of disciplinary distinctions, periodization, and international borders, we hold within our purview any scholarship that examines the diverse manifestations of Greco-Roman engagements across and between Iberian contact zones: the Mediterranean, the Americas, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and beyond. Additionally, the organization welcomes scholarship highlighting the contributions of those who have been overlooked in previous scholarship, such as indigenous, Afrodescendent, and female voices.
A Purposeful Name
In creating the most inclusive space for these explorations, our name looks to the Hesperides, whose mythical domain first marked the Iberian Peninsula as the western boundary of the classical world. Hesperides became a mutable term which Iberians in turn would use to redefine their colonial boundaries as Greco-Roman legacies spread hand-in-hand with Iberian languages and cultures into many parts of the globe. At the same time, the plurality of this name evokes the numerous and dynamic traditions of the Luso-Hispanic world, which the society seeks to explore in years to come. In doing so, we acknowledge that the ancient Mediterranean contributes just one facet of cultural production in these regions, both past and present.
An International Scope
It is our mission to recognize these areas of the world as regions of knowledge production and scholarship, in addition to offering rich material for study, facilitating critical dialogues between disciplines to foster new methods and theoretical models for describing and interpreting the uses of classical antiquity beyond the Global North. To achieve this, we forge international connections between scholars whose work intersects with these themes, and in the process, to raise the profile of this area of study. Additionally, we foster community building among all who are interested in exploring these cultural connections, whether they be academics, students, or the members of the public.
A Space for Collaboration
The organization’s immediate goals include establishing a visible presence at international, interdisciplinary conferences; organizing dedicated symposia for members as a space for exploration and dialogue; creating publication venues through guest-edited special editions of major journals and through edited volumes; and conducting outreach within relevant disciplines to promote the teaching of this area of study at all levels of instruction.
Members will be involved in a variety of activities, including but not limited to: the organization of a panels; social events; the creation of a database and mailing list; the identification of reading materials to foster dialogue between different fields on classical literature and culture in the Hispano-Lusophone world; virtual meetings; and outreach, primarily through the creation of educational toolkits for secondary education and higher education.